jeudi 25 octobre 2012

Pansemento - Performance / exposition Panser Les Siens

Exposition/performance Panser les Siens: Lika Guillemot, Biño Sauitzvy et Lucile Adam
Bruxelles, 2012
photo: Lucile Adam

Holy Ghost

Exposition Holy Ghost
Bianca Casady et Jean Marc Ruellan
Moscou, 2011
Performance: Biño Sauitzvy

We are on fire - CocoRosie

We Are en Fire
vidéo clip
Direction: Emma Fremman
Featuring: CocoRosie (Bianca Casady et Sierra Casady), Biño Sauitzvy, Rebecca Wright  et Jean Marc Ruellan.

Ex-Vivo - Performance

Biño Sauitzvy
photo: Lucile Adam

En Mutation

Biño Sauitzvy
photo: Lika Guillemot

H to H

H to H
Une performance de Biño Sauitzvy
photo: Luis Alvarez
Galerie 10/12

Birth 3 - un film d'Antony Hickling

Biño Sauitzvy
Birth 3
un film d'Antony Hickling
photo: Lucile Adam

Daisy Chain - Biño Sauitzvy by Bianca Casady

Biño Sauitzvy by Bianca Casady

NightShift, A Feeble ballet by Bianca Casady, chorégraphie Biño Sauitzvy

Bianca Casady of CocoRosie presents her debut theatrical dance production “« Nightshift” », in collaboration with choreographer Bino Sauitzvy, a Brazilian-born dancer/director who trained in butoh, circus,, contemporary and classical dance. Nightshift features legendary ”vogue” dancer Leiomy Maldonado from New York City. Equally prone to expressing her thoughts and stories in music, poetry, drawings and video, Bianca Casady explores narrative for the first time in the form of dance. Here, she combines her musical and visual worlds to create a living portrait, following the life of an abandoned child as she degenerates into a harmless monster. In this Cinderella- like dark fairy tale, the piece ultimately recognises the humanity in the untouchable, exploring the myth of the outcast and naming the nameless.

Written and directed by Bianca Casady
Choreography: Biño Sauitzvy
Stage Design & Light: Carlos Veron
Costumes: Gaspard Yurkievich
Accessoires: Bertram Lerche
Dancers: Leiomy Maldonado, Bino Sauitzvy, Rebecca Wright, Sierra Casady, Jean-Marc Ruellan
Musicicians: Bianca Casady, Daniel Bensi, Alexander Stenfert Juriaans, Doug Wieselman, Anne Rainwater


vendredi 12 octobre 2012

H to H

H to H

En Mutation - Vidéo Art / Lika Guillemot et Biño Sauitzvy

C.O.L.O. - Biño Sauitzvy et Thomas Laroppe

Sissy! - Nando Messias et Biño Sauitzvy

En Mutation - Performance

Innommables n°1 - Objet Chorégraphique Portable

Eat your Heart Out - Edinburgh

2X3+1=7 ou l'impossibilité de nommer les choses

H to H - Vidéo art de Lika Guillemot et Biño Sauitzvy

Daisy Chain - Cheim and Read

CocoRosie - We are on fire

Holy Ghost



Holy Ghost - Moscow

Nightshift - Spectacle de Bianca Casady, Chorégraphie Biño Sauitzvy - Donaufestival

Holy Ghost - Exposition de Bianca Casady et Jean Marc Ruellan / Moscou

Holy Ghost - Exposition de Bianca Casady et Jean Marc Ruellan - Moscou

Daisy Chain - Exposition de Bianca Casady - Cheim and Read / NY

CocoRosie, Daisy Chain - Trianon / Paris

Daisy Chain - Exposition de Bianca Casady, Cheim and Read Galery, NY

Birth 3 - La Mort d'un triptyque - un filme d'Antony Hickling

Little Gay Boy, Christ is Dead